Let's ditch all of our unrealistic New Year’s resolutions and once for all end the myth of perfection! Kelly McNelis, the founder of Women For One and author of Your Messy Brilliance, is asking you to do just that! New Year’s resolutions tend to wreak havoc on self-esteem, therefore your only resolution this year should be self-acceptance. In the following interview, McNelis explains what inspired her to write Your Messy Brilliance and what resolutions you SHOULD make in 2018!

Are you anxious and restless? If yes, then you're in the right place! As someone who has always dealt with anxiety at its varying levels - I absolutely get you. ON A SOUL LEVEL. There are always two paths we can take in life - one is the path of surrender and the other one is the path of reclaiming your power. I tend to say "surrender" to the universe because it always has your back. However, there is no reason on Earth why you should surrender to your anxieties and fears. No, you are not going to accept that. You are going to reclaim your power. Take ownership of your fears. There is always a way, if there's will. This is how you're going to conquer your anxieties.

“Trust the process.” You’ve heard this one before. As a matter of fact, you’ve probably heard it so many times that it started annoying you. No, you’ve heard it so many times that you have actually started trusting the process less and less. Because – let’s be real, who wants to be told what to do? Exactly. As a modern 21st century man or woman you like to believe that you are capable of making your own decisions and having all aspects of your life under control. Let me break it to you – you don’t and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. If anything “trusting the process” makes life easier for you, because it alleviates the need to be a control freak.

Dr. Yelena Yeretsky a.k.a "Dr. Y," is an internationally renowned physician specializing in anti-aging and aesthetic medicine. At her gorgeous West Village medical boutique, she offers an all-immersive experience tailored to meet all of your beauty needs and help you indulge all of your senses. Services offered at Clinique YFT are not only those of medical nature. Here you can properly pamper yourself by getting one of the lavish facials or opting for a fascia release massage. But that's not all. What about your soul? Dr. Yeretsky took care of that too by offering complimentary in-house Astrology Birth Chart and Tarot Card Reading. Pretty DAMN COOL right?!

Maybe you've heard of Egoscue Method already and you wanted to learn more, maybe you're just hearing about it or you're practicing it. Whatever might be the case, you're in the right place. For all of you who are new to this concept, here's a brief explanation of what Egoscue Method is: It is a postural therapy founded by Pete Egoscue in the 70s, based on the belief that any pain is due to misalignment in the body. The method consists of series of gentle exercises that return balance and symmetry to your body. Simple as that, but very efficient.

You might not know this about me, but I've struggled with self-love for years. I think the moment I've hit puberty, was the moment when I realized that I could be a better version of myself than I already was. Hidden behind my sunny disposition were dark clouds of insecurities and low self-esteem. I've never told my friends anything, because I've wanted to "at least appear confident," while deep down I've felt unworthy and inadequate. Middle school and high school years were a period when I've hit an all-time low.